Defining Southeast Asia

     There is no easy way to decide where Southeast Asia begins or ends. From a Chinese perspective, SEA is part of the nanyang "south seas". Ancient Indian sources called it Suvarnadvipa, "Golden Island" and Suvarnabhumi, "Golden Land". The Greek cosmographer Klaudios Ptolemaios, residing in Egypt, knew the locations of India Extra Gangem Fluvium ("India beyond the Ganges") and the Aurea Kheresonesos ("Golden Peninsula"; the Siamo-Malay Peninsula).

    The common definition of SEA is political: 11 countries (Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines Brunei, Indonesia, and Timor-Leste)

    Using the smallest of these frames, political boundaries, SEA comprises about 4.5 million square kilometers, or 3 per cent of the earth surface. SEA's population of 600 million as of 2008 (675 369 239: SEA,s population by 4/7/2021). 



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